Call for Papers: 10th international conference Japan: Premodern, Modern and Contemporary
The Center for Japanese Studies at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Romania), with the support of its collaborators from Akita University, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Kanda University of International Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and University of Hyogo, is pleased to announce organizing the 10th international conference Japan: Premodern, Modern and Contemporary, on September 1-3, 2023 in Bucharest, Romania.
The research areas of the conference include, but are not limited to:
● literature
● translation studies
● linguistics
● anthropology
● cultural and media studies
● philosophy
● (intellectual) history
● visual and performing arts
● business management
There is no participation fee.
Keynote speakers (confirmed):
Prof. James Heisig (Professor Emeritus, Nanzan University, Nanzan Institute for Religion & Culture)
Prof. Ikuya Kano (University of Hyogo)
Guidelines for submission
1. The language of the conference is English, but papers may also be given in Japanese, on condition that the presenter provides detailed slides or handouts in English. *Please carefully proofread your abstract before submission. (発表言語:英語、または日本語。日本語の場合、英語による資料の配布・スライドの提供が望ましい。)
2. Individual presentations will be 20 minutes long, followed by 10 minutes for discussion with the floor; proposals should be up to 300 words (日本語による発表要旨の場合:500字程度). Each proposal should also include the name, title, affiliation of the presenter, and the research area of the presentation.
3. Panels should have at least three members (three presenters or two presenters and a discussant) and a maximum of four members (four presenters or three presenters and a discussant). Panel proposals should include the title of the panel and a general abstract of up to 300 words, plus a 250-word abstract for each paper (日本語による要旨の場合:パネルの全体要旨=500字程度、各自の要旨=350字程度). The name, title, and affiliation of each member should also be included.
4. Submission deadline is June 30, 2023. Selection results will be announced on July 15.
5. Priority will be given to on-site presentations, but proposals for online presentations (via Zoom) will also be considered. The submission guidelines and procedures for online presentations are the same as for regular presentations (see above). Please mention in your application that you will be presenting online.
6. Please send your proposals as Word or PDF files, and direct any inquiries to:
A selection of the papers presented at the conference will be published in Synergy, the journal of the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. Synergy is indexed with the following international databases: EBSCO, ERIH PLUS, CEEOL, Open J Gate, Index Copernicus, OAJI. More details about the journal here:
For previous iterations of the conference, please visit: