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Interviews with an Awakened Japanese Zen philosopher Shin’ichi Hisamatsu

久松真一(1889-1980年)は、哲学者・西田幾多郎(1870-1945)の弟子で、禅者・禅思想家、元京都大学教授(仏教学)。ハーバード大学神学大学院(Harvard Divinity School)でも客員教授として教鞭をとった。
最晩年には、日本の著名な新約聖書神学者・宗教哲学者の八木誠一による哲学的インタヴュー(対話)が行われ、その内容は春秋社から『覚の宗教』として出版された。そこでは悟りの最も本質的な部分についての久松の考えが八木によってうまく引き出されている。その音声データは、長らく八木によって大切に保管されていたが、今回、その歴史的重要性を鑑み、八木誠一氏、久松定昭氏、春秋社らのご厚意のもと、武蔵野大学の小西達也先生が Youtube の動画として公開される運びとなった。


1a. 中世から後近代へ(From the Middle Ages to the Post-Modern Age)-No.1

1b. 中世から後近代へ(From the Middle Ages to the Post-Modern Age)-No.2

2a. 覚と信仰(Awakening (Enlightenment) and Faith)-No.1

2b. 覚と信仰(Awakening (Enlightenment) and Faith)-No.2

3. 覚と言葉 Awakening and Language

4a. 価値の根源と価値の創造(The Source and Creation of Values)-No.1

4b. 価値の根源と価値の創造(The Source and Creation of Values)-No.2

2024 ENOJP Award for Excellence in Japanese Philosophy

2024 ENOJP Award for Excellence in Japanese Philosophy

The European Network of Japanese Philosophy (ENOJP) is pleased to announce that submissions for the 2024 Award for excellence in Japanese Philosophy are opened. The Award will be presented to an outstanding book in the field of Japanese philosophy, including works by younger scholars.

Award page

The Award includes an honorarium of €3,000, to be presented each year at the annual meeting of the ENOJP. In case of the absence of the awardee, the honorarium will be paid within ten days of the close of the annual meeting.

・Submitted books should be printed monographs published within the past five years in one of the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, or Spanish. Edited collections are excluded, but translations with commentary are
・Submissions may deal with any aspect of Japanese philosophy, modern or premodern.
・Two hard copies and one digital copy of works submitted for consideration should be sent to the address of President of the ENOJP, listed below, to arrive no later than 1 June 2024. Anything arriving after that date will automatically be transferred to the following year for consideration. Submitted materials will not be returned.
Submission may be made by publishers or third parties. They should be accompanied by a brief resume of the contents (less than 1,000 words) composed by the author.
・A work may be submitted more than once, provided it falls within the five-year period indicated above.

Evaluation Committee
The President of the ENOJP will appoint an evaluation committee based on the content and language of the submission. The Award will be announced at the annual conference of the ENOJP.

Mail submissions to:
Prof. Raquel Bouso
President, ENOJP
Departament d’Humanitats
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Ramon Trias Fargas 25–27
Barcelona 08005

Email contact: enojp.award@gmail.com



日時:2024年3月2日(土)13時〜17時 その後懇親会

場所:関西大学 千里山キャンパス 尚文館 501 教室 ※対面のみ
参加申込 https://forms.gle/E2iPiFxkpuUNPFwz5
※事前申込制 2月20日(火)までにご登録ください。

13:10 基調講演: 水野友晴(関西大学教授) 「超越と言葉――井上克人先生の論に学ぶ
13:40 研究発表: 井上克人先生の構築した宗教哲学を手引きとしながら、井上ゼミ修了生 (喜多源典、末村正代、山中崇史ほか)が、『大乗起信論』、西田幾多 郎・西田哲学、鈴木大拙、ボンヘッファー、自然(ジネン)、逆対応、華 厳思想、宗教経験などをテーマに考察し、研究発表をおこないます。
15:20 コメント: 宮本要太郎(関西大学教授) 小田淑子(元関西大学教授)
16:00 コメントへの応答
16:20 フロアとの質疑応答
以上司会:  酒井真道 (関西大学教授)
17:30 懇親会(会費4000円) 関西大学 第1学舎 不二家食堂

アクセス 阪急電鉄千里線「関大前」駅 北改札口より徒歩約10分

問い合わせ: inouesensei.tsuito@gmail.com / tmizuno@kansai-u.ac.jp

催: 井上克人先生追悼行事実行委員会
共催: 関大哲学会・比較思想学会近畿支部会・南山宗教文化研究所
後援: 西田哲学会・宗教哲学会


哲学講座2023年度初秋講座:「西田幾多郎 − 後期の哲学体系」

哲学講座2023年度初秋講座:「西田幾多郎 − 後期の哲学体系」



日独文化研究所 哲学講座


第1講 9月21日「西田の後期哲学の特徴――現実の世界と行為的自己」
第2講 9月28日「世界の時間性と我々の自己の身体性」
第3講 10月5日「時が「現在から現在へと動き行く」ということ、あるいは創造」
第4講 10月12日「創造と「私と汝」」
第5講 10月19日「創造における見ることと行うこと――「行為的直観」」
第6講 10月26日「宗教――神の意志(御心)と神の愛」

九⻤周造と⻄⽥幾多郎におけ:永遠と現在 ー近代⽇本哲学の時間論と現代時間論との交差点ー

















Call for Papers: 10th international conference Japan: Premodern, Modern and Contemporary


The Center for Japanese Studies at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Romania), with the support of its collaborators from Akita University, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Kanda University of International Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and University of Hyogo, is pleased to announce organizing the 10th international conference Japan: Premodern, Modern and Contemporary, on September 1-3, 2023 in Bucharest, Romania.


The research areas of the conference include, but are not limited to:

● literature

● translation studies

● linguistics

● anthropology

● cultural and media studies

● philosophy

● (intellectual) history

● visual and performing arts

● business management


There is no participation fee.

Keynote speakers (confirmed):

Prof. James Heisig (Professor Emeritus, Nanzan University, Nanzan Institute for Religion & Culture)

Prof. Ikuya Kano (University of Hyogo)

Guidelines for submission

 1.      The language of the conference is English, but papers may also be given in Japanese, on condition that the presenter provides detailed slides or handouts in English. *Please carefully proofread your abstract before submission. (表言語:英語、または日本語。日本語の場合、英語による資料の配布スライドの提供が望ましい。)

2.      Individual presentations will be 20 minutes long, followed by 10 minutes for discussion with the floor; proposals should be up to 300 words (日本語による表要旨の場合:500字程度). Each proposal should also include the name, title, affiliation of the presenter, and the research area of the presentation.

3.      Panels should have at least three members (three presenters or two presenters and a discussant) and a maximum of four members (four presenters or three presenters and a discussant). Panel proposals should include the title of the panel and a general abstract of up to 300 words, plus a 250-word abstract for each paper (日本語による要旨の場合:パネルの全体要旨=500字程度、各自の要旨=350字程度). The name, title, and affiliation of each member should also be included.

4.      Submission deadline is June 30, 2023. Selection results will be announced on July 15.

5.      Priority will be given to on-site presentations, but proposals for online presentations (via Zoom) will also be considered. The submission guidelines and procedures for online presentations are the same as for regular presentations (see above). Please mention in your application that you will be presenting online.

6.      Please send your proposals as Word or PDF files, and direct any inquiries to: confjapan@gmail.com.


A selection of the papers presented at the conference will be published in Synergy, the journal of the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. Synergy is indexed with the following international databases: EBSCO, ERIH PLUS, CEEOL, Open J Gate, Index Copernicus, OAJI. More details about the journal here: http://synergy.ase.ro/

For previous iterations of the conference, please visit: https://ucdcjstudiesconf.wordpress.com/