Call for Papers: 10th international conference Japan: Premodern, Modern and Contemporary


The Center for Japanese Studies at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Romania), with the support of its collaborators from Akita University, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Kanda University of International Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and University of Hyogo, is pleased to announce organizing the 10th international conference Japan: Premodern, Modern and Contemporary, on September 1-3, 2023 in Bucharest, Romania.


The research areas of the conference include, but are not limited to:

● literature

● translation studies

● linguistics

● anthropology

● cultural and media studies

● philosophy

● (intellectual) history

● visual and performing arts

● business management


There is no participation fee.

Keynote speakers (confirmed):

Prof. James Heisig (Professor Emeritus, Nanzan University, Nanzan Institute for Religion & Culture)

Prof. Ikuya Kano (University of Hyogo)

Guidelines for submission

 1.      The language of the conference is English, but papers may also be given in Japanese, on condition that the presenter provides detailed slides or handouts in English. *Please carefully proofread your abstract before submission. (表言語:英語、または日本語。日本語の場合、英語による資料の配布スライドの提供が望ましい。)

2.      Individual presentations will be 20 minutes long, followed by 10 minutes for discussion with the floor; proposals should be up to 300 words (日本語による表要旨の場合:500字程度). Each proposal should also include the name, title, affiliation of the presenter, and the research area of the presentation.

3.      Panels should have at least three members (three presenters or two presenters and a discussant) and a maximum of four members (four presenters or three presenters and a discussant). Panel proposals should include the title of the panel and a general abstract of up to 300 words, plus a 250-word abstract for each paper (日本語による要旨の場合:パネルの全体要旨=500字程度、各自の要旨=350字程度). The name, title, and affiliation of each member should also be included.

4.      Submission deadline is June 30, 2023. Selection results will be announced on July 15.

5.      Priority will be given to on-site presentations, but proposals for online presentations (via Zoom) will also be considered. The submission guidelines and procedures for online presentations are the same as for regular presentations (see above). Please mention in your application that you will be presenting online.

6.      Please send your proposals as Word or PDF files, and direct any inquiries to:


A selection of the papers presented at the conference will be published in Synergy, the journal of the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. Synergy is indexed with the following international databases: EBSCO, ERIH PLUS, CEEOL, Open J Gate, Index Copernicus, OAJI. More details about the journal here:

For previous iterations of the conference, please visit:

Call for Papers: 2023 International Society of East Asian Philosophy (国際東アジア哲学学会)

The International Society of East Asian Philosophy (ISEAP) will have its third international conference on September 15-16, which will be held at the University of Edinburgh, UK.

Keynote Speakers:
Professor Geir Sigurðsson (University of Iceland)
Professor Sojeong Park (Sungkyunkwan University)

Abstracts for individual papers and organized panels should be submitted to by June 30, 2023 (Japan Time).
ISEAP 2023 Conference Website:

New Permanent Seminar on the Philosophy of Kitarō Nishida at the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture

Enrico Fongaro (Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture), Jacynthe Tremblay and Felipe Ferrari (Yokkaichi University) are pleased to invite all to the first meeting of the new Permanent Seminar on the Philosophy of Kitarō Nishida.
The inaugural meeting will be held in hybrid form at the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture on April 21, 2023, from 15h00 to 18h00.
At that time, the general goals of this Permanent Seminar will be explained, and the dates of future meetings will be decided. In addition, Enrico Fongaro will give an initial talk on An Inquiry into the Good, which will be the first Nishidian text to be employed in the Seminar. The title of the talk will be “Politics of Translation.”
The basic structure of the Seminar will be as follows: we will tentatively meet once a month, indicatively around the third Friday of the month. The meetings will always be hybrid and there will be no official language adopted by the Seminar. Any intervention in any language will be welcome and it will be decided from time to time in a flexible way how to make the interventions usable for the participants. The meetings will last a maximum of three hours, and after the intervention of one or more speakers, who will be allocated a limited amount of time, the rest of the Seminar will be used for questions, comments and discussion. The Seminar is not designed only for specialists in Nishidian philosophy, but on the contrary, efforts will be made to keep it open to stimuli and contributions from the most diverse currents of thought.
You are all warmly invited to participate!
If you are interested, please contact us at: so that you can be placed on the mailing list.

Link for the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 652 309 0611



The Centre for Advanced Research in European Philosophy, King’s University College at Western University, announces a call for papers for an upcoming international conference: Why the Kyoto School Today?

Date: March 21-24, 2019

Location: King’s University College at Western University, London, Ontario, Canada

Plenary Speakers:

  • Dr. Bret Davis (Loyola University Maryland)
  • Dr. Rolf Elberfeld (Universität Hildesheim)
  • Dr. John Krummel (Hobart and William Smith Colleges)
  • Dr. John Maraldo (University of North Florida)
  • Dr. Brian Schroeder (Rochester Institute of Technology)
  • Dr. Mayuko Uehara (Kyoto University)
  • Dr. Jason Wirth (University Seattle)
  • Dr. Michiko Yusa (Western Washington University)

The 35th Form of Japanese Philosophy : June 30, 2018 at Kyoto University

The 35th Form of Japanese Philosophy : June 30, 2018 at Kyoto University日本哲学史フォーラム35


“Memorial Lecture on Nishida and Tanabe”

“Memorial Lecture on Nishida and Tanabe”
Saturday the 2nd of June, 2018
Lecture Hall 3, the Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University





日時  6月2日(土)午後1時30分

場所  京都大学文学部 第3講義室

( をご参照下さい。)


講演    岡田 勝明 氏  (姫路獨協大学 教授)「場所の論理と自己存在の証明 ― 西田哲学の現代性」

ジョン・C・マラルド 氏  (ノースフロリダ大学 名誉教授)”The Question of Responsibility in Metanoetical Philosophy”


主催  西田・田辺記念講演会(京都大学文学研究科 日本哲学史研究室・宗教学研究室)



交通案内  ・地下鉄「今出川」駅より市バス201、203系統で「百万遍」下車




連絡先:〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田本町

京都大学文学部 日本哲学史研究室

電話 075-753-2869

E-mail japanese_philosophy★★を@に置き換えてください)


Memorial Symposium for Kouichi SUGIMOTO: Reception and Critique of His Work on Philosophy and Religion

A memorial symposium for Dr. Kouichi SUGIMOTO, a noteworthy young scholar of Nishida’s philosophy, will take place at Kyoto University on July 22. The symposium will focus on recent work on Nishida’s philosophy by young researchers. Details are given below in Japanese. We hope you will join us.


杉本耕一追悼シンポジウム: 「哲学」と「宗教」-杉本耕一の思索


  日時 2017年7月22日(土)13:00-17:30

  会場 京都大学文学部校舎(新館)2階 第4講義室


呼びかけ人 藤田正勝(京都大学)

司会 山本伸裕(東京医療保健大学)


13:00-13:10 開会挨拶 藤田正勝(京都大学)

13:10-13:25 山本與志隆(愛媛大学)


13:25-15:10 シンポジウム









15:25-17:25 討論

コメンテーター: 井上克人(関西大学)、板橋勇仁(立正大学)

17:25-17:30 総括・閉会挨拶 藤田正勝(京都大学)





【住所】〒606-8305 京都府京都市左京区吉田河原町19番地3

公益財団法人日独文化研究所内 杉本耕一追悼シンポジウム実行委員会



主催 杉本耕一追悼シンポジウム実行委員会

後援 京都大学日本哲学史研究室、西田哲学会、親鸞仏教センター



EJJPEuropean Network of Japanese Philosophy, enojp

Designed and typeset at the Nanzan Institute for Religion & Culture, Nagoya, Japan
Published by Chisokudō.

Nishida Philosophy Association 14th Annual Conference


Date: July 23-24, 2016

Location: Meiji University

→Information about the 14th annual conference (PDF)

Details (Japanese)

13th Annual meeting of Nishida Philosophy Association

13th Annual meeting of Nishida Philosophy Association

the Kyoto College of Industry and Kyoto College of Textile Fibers

Jury 25 – 26, 2015

Official language : Japanese


